Fuel CELL Repairs
Hartwig Aircraft Fuel Celll Repair does repairs on all types of aircraft
fuel cells.
Whether the fuel cells are aluminum, "wet wing" bladders,
or other materials, we can repair it for you.
All repairs are completed using heat, pressure and adhesive to bond
new fabric to the fuel cell. Hartwig Aircraft Fuel Cell Repair follows
the repair and overhaul procedures set forth by the leading fuel cell
manufacturers (Aerazur, Aero-Tech, Amfuel, E.F.C., FFC, Firestone, Goodyear,
IMI Marston, FPT Industries, Uniroyal) and the U.S. Air Force and U.S.
Naval Air Command Repair and Technical Fuel Cell Repair Manuals.
Hartwig Aircraft Fuel Cell Repair we do not just repair the leaks. We
go through the entire fuel cell. Any problems or areas that need attention
(although it may not be leaking) will be suggested to be repaired to
guarantee the continued use of the fuel cell. This attention to detail
is the reason Hartwig Aircraft Fuel Cell Repair gives all repaired /
remanufactured fuel cells a 5 year warranty on our repairs, and Unconditionally
Guarantee the entire fuel cell for 2 years.
We also do warranty repairs for the original manufacturers that do not
void the fuel cell's original warranty.
